summer + jordan // fort loramie ohio wedding photographer
Summer and Jordan committed their lives to one another in front of their closest family and friends on a peaceful and hazy October afternoon.
The mass took place at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McCartyville, OH.
One of my favorite moments prior to the ceremony was Summer and Jordan’s first touch which took place minutes before Summer would be walking down the aisle. They both stood back to back, talking to each other about how the day had finally come, and exchanging letters for one another to read.
The ceremony was beautiful, and truly resembled their relationship with one another as the priest read each of their future hopes and dreams as a couple.
The reception was held at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort Loramie, OH and included some of the most dancing I have ever witnessed at a reception. Summer and Jordan really know how to throw a party!
Summer’s dad had made a speech at the beginning of the reception that due to the bride and groom being alumnus of The Ohio State University, as well as many of their guests, that the goal was to make it “The Best Damn Reception in the Land.”
Summer + Jordan knew each other throughout high school, became best friends while in college, and after they both graduated and moved back to the area they decided to start dating.
Beth was honored to get to document their special day.